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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

☆節分パーチィー☆ / ☆Setsubun Party☆


Well長音記号2, our Setsubun party has begun~長音記号2ニコニコドキドキドキドキドキドキキラキラ

The party today was at my big sister's house~~ラブラブ!ラブラブラブラブラブラブチョキ

First up is.........アップアップアップ


what was on the menu for tonight ドキドキo(^-^)oドキドキ

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Isn't this kamaboko (steamed fish paste) adorable~?長音記号2ラブラブ!ラブラブラブラブチョキ

辻希美オフィシャルブログ「のんピース」powered by Ameba-090203_185647.jpg

And there was also karaage (deep-fried meat, usually chicken)~~~長音記号1ラブラブ!

and, potato salad~~長音記号1ニコニコラブラブラブラブ

And because it's Setsubun!!, we had ehoumakiニコニコラブラブラブラブラブラブ
[note: ehoumaki (恵方巻) is a Setsubun tradition -- uncut sushi rolls that you eat, without stopping or talking (you can make a wish to yourself, though), while facing the "auspicious direction" ('ehou') for that year]

Everyone made their own using their desired ingredients, and then rolled them up...ニコニコドキドキドキドキ

辻希美オフィシャルブログ「のんピース」powered by Ameba-090203_191039.jpg

Non's looked like this~ニコニコひらめき電球

And this is what Noa-tan had to eatにひひドキドキドキドキチョキ

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Noa-san had nattou rolls and salmon rollsドキドキ

Okay, everybody, let's dig in~長音記号1ニコニコラブラブラブラブラブラブ

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Non-san......munches away!!!!!!!!!

It was too...too big~~~ショック!あせる

But I didn't give up -- I ate the whole thing!ニコニコチョキあせる

And長音記号2 then, we all underwent a big長音記号1長音記号1 transfor長音記号1長音記号1mation長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1にひひアップアップドキドキドキドキドキドキ

辻希美オフィシャルブログ「のんピース」powered by Ameba-090203_190246_ed.jpg

Demons長音記号1 out~~長音記号1にひひ!!

Good fortune長音記号1 in~~長音記号1にひひ!!
[note: that is, 'oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi,' which is traditionally chanted during the bean throwing part of Setsubun]

We all had a lot of fun togetherニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ

Gochisousama deshita~~ドキドキ