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Friday, April 10, 2009

☆in鹿児島ッッ☆ / ☆in Kagoshima!!☆


Today, for the first time in a long time, I'm shooting on location outside of Tokyoニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ

We're in Kagoshima~!長音記号1ニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

The weather is crazy nice hereニコニコアップアップ晴れ

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It feels really amazingドキドキ

Today I got to eat lots of different things and help out in the kitchen...ニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

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It was really fun shooting out here with Ishizuka-sanニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

Here's a shot of us from the backドキドキ

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It's quite a good picture, don't you think?ニコニコキラキラキラキラキラキラ


right now we're on location at...ニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ


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the ocean~!長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1!!

The weather's fine and it feels great~~~ニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ

Makes me wish I could just fly through the skyドキドキ


since we're already here and everything,ニコニコ!!

here's a shot of me and the staff-sanニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

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I super love this picture~~~長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1ニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ


is TOTALLY長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1長音記号1 awesomeラブラブ!ラブラブラブラブラブラブキラキラ

And, and!!


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Ishizuka-san ended up getting buried in the sand~~~ショック!アップアップアップアップアップ

That's right!!


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is where water from the hot springs wells upニコニコラブラブラブラブ!!

So Ishizuka-san decided to take on the challenge of taking a sand bath in a spot where there wasn't any hot waterニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ!!!!!!

The sand is really hot!!!

Apparently it's nearly 50~60° Celsius [122~140° Fahrenheit]!!

This would definitely feel great and really make you sweatニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ

To anyone who thinks the same, it really is amazingニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

Non wasn't able to get in and try it out today, but if I have a chance in the future, I definitely want to give it a tryニコニコラブラブラブラブキラキラ


we still have more to shootニコニコドキドキドキドキキラキラ

I'm gonna do my best!ニコニコドキドキドキドキドキドキキラキラ

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